Healing Lives,

Transforming Society

Welcome to the Ateneo de Manila University School of Medicine and Public Health

Opened in 2007, the Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health (ASMPH) pioneered an innovative curriculum to form outstanding clinicians, dynamic leaders and social catalysts. As an institution of higher learning, the School seeks to influence access to and delivery of health services in the Philippines and in the world.

Not only are students trained in the basics of medicine and curative care, they are also taught to understand health systems from the perspective of organizations, populations, and society. The School incorporates learning management principles and an understanding of social determinants that affect the public’s health.

The ASMPH graduate is rooted in Ignatian spirituality and the mission to transform the health system Ad majorem Dei gloriam.  He or she is the doctor of the future with skills to care for individual patients and to undertake public health solutions to address health and social problems.

Graduates are conferred a joint degree of Doctor of Medicine and Master in Business Administration. The MBA Degree is awarded through the Ateneo Graduate School of Business. 

Experience ASMPH



Open House FINAL.mp4

