
The ASMPH Learning and Formation Experience

The MD-MBA Program

ASMPH offers the first dual degree for physicians in the Philippines and Southeast Asia with an integrated roll out of the MD and MBA Program over a five year curricula.  The Dual Degrees are the vehicle through which the school forms Outstanding Physicians, Dynamic Leaders and Social Catalysts.  The integrated curricula hope to inculcate the values that we desire for our students.


The ASMPH medicine and management curriculum were designed around two guiding principles: Integration & Relevance. At the end of the five-year professional phase (or medicine proper years plus internship), the ASMPH doctor will then be awarded a dual degree of Doctor of Medicine and Master in Business Administration – truly the Doctor of the Future, equipped with outstanding clinical skills and the capacity and appreciation for systems thinking as applied not only to the human body but also to organizations, societies and populations.


Leadership Formation

The Formation Program aims to form ASMPH students into discerning professionals by deepening their understanding and application of concepts delivered in the Leadership Course. It is through coaching and mentoring that they are able to set goals in connection with the leadership content and apply these leadership principles in their lives as students.