Quality &



In 2018, ASMPH embarked on strengthening its Quality Assurance efforts and systematically undertook a process of self-discipline, self-assessment, and self-regulation toward self-directed growth and development of the school’s educational quality and services.

Our quality assurance efforts focus on driving efficiency, continuous improvement and succession planning. It is seen as a multi-dimensional concept viewed from the varied needs and expectations of the institution’s stakeholders and aims to raise academic standards as well as enhance education, research and service.

Going beyond compliance, ASMPH aims to reinforce a culture of quality focusing on its institutional identity, systems and processes.

The Medical Education Unit (MEU) Committee of ASMPH serves as the driving force behind Quality Assurance by leading and promoting continuous quality improvement initiatives for ASMPH.

The Ateneo Learning Management System (LMS)

The AteneoBlueCloud is the distinct kind of online education offered by Ateneo de Manila University.

AteneoBlueCloud refers to the distinct kind of online education that will be offered by Ateneo de Manila University. Its goals are:

(a) to define AdMU’s approach to online education and to brand its initiatives, to articulate and communicate our underlying educational philosophy, and to create a strong and distinct image for the university’s high-quality and innovative delivery of online educational services,

(b) to offer our students, faculty, and other stakeholders a virtual campus, a “one-stop go-to space” where basic information on (and links to) the university’s offerings for the different schools and units can be found, and

(c) to build a vibrant online community of learners and educators, strengthened by shared rituals and practices that may be virtual, but no less meaningful and powerful.

The ASMPH utilizes the University Learning Management System, Canvas, to deliver its curriculum and teaching-learning content following the Adaptive Design for Learning framework.  

The Information Technology Resource Committee of ASMPH ITRCA serves as the primary steering body in ASMPH’s pursuit of harnessing Information Technology solutions and tools, as integral parts of medical education in the formation of physicians-for-others who are outstanding clinicians, dynamic leaders and social catalysts.